BSBPMG536 Risk register and management plan

Prepare a risk register and management plan or a relevant professional or personal project.

At a minimum, the register must include:

  • The project name
  • Its scheduled start and end dates
  • The document owner (usually the project manager)
  • Organisational definitions of key values, including:
  • Risk categories and descriptors
  • Probability and impact ratings and descriptors
  • Risk assessment methodology / matrix
  • Risk threshold / treatment strategy

You should prepare a minimum of five (5) risk entries.

At a minimum, each entry must include:

  • Risk title and detailed description
  • Risk owner
  • Qualitative analysis of risk
  • Risk priority rating
  • Last and next review dates
  • Potential triggers, their probability, and rating
  • Ratings of potential impacts on key project factors, such as:
    • Scope
    • Time
    • Cost
    • Outcomes
    • Operations
    • Health and safety
    • Brand / reputation
    • Natural environment
  • Contingency plans, including reserves
  • Analysis of secondary and residual risks

You can prepare this document using your workplace resources or the template provided. If you use dedicated software, please export the output as a pdf or screenshots or provide an accessible link.

This document can (but does not need to) relate to projects you reference in other assessment tasks.

For assessment purposes, you may make reasonable assumptions about the project consistent with organisational and project management good practices.

You should also consult widely and seek feedback from other project stakeholders on this document.

Mentor assistance is available anytime, and you can submit work-in-progress drafts to receive feedback before final submission.