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Mentor User Guide

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Assessment guides
ARC PowerPoints

These PowerPoint sessions are each intended to be delivered over 2.5 hours in-person or online.

If you deliver them as 2-hour sessions, use your discretion as to what you might fast-track or leave out.

Note that the quiz following an ARC session is not part of the session itself; students must complete this afterwards.

The stakeholder register has also significantly changed – do not refer to the explanatory slides in Session 2.

Session 1: Project frameworks

Session 2: Project stakeholders

Session 3: Choosing the right project

Session 4: Project communication

Session 5: Requirements analysis

Session 6: Procurement

Session 7: Managing project risk

Session 8: Agile project management

Session 9: Managing project teams

Session 10: Leading projects

Session 11: Managing project change

Session 12: Closing projects 

Impersonate a student
Upload video evidence

To upload the video of a student meeting, you must first impersonate the student, as per the instructions above.

Then, navigate to the relevant course > unit > assessment task and upload the video.

If the video file (.mp4) is larger than 100MB, you should only upload the audio recording of the meeting (.m4a).

If the video and audio recording of the meeting fail, take detailed notes from the meeting and upload them as a .pdf

Ensure you exit impersonation before continuing; otherwise, you cannot access the assessment portal.

IMPORTANT: Video uploads automatically mark the student as competent for the assessment task or unit.

If the student is not yet competent after your video meeting, save the file locally and notify

Mark workshop attendance

If you accidentally mark a student as present when absent (or vice versa), you can reverse this action by just marking them again with the correct status.

PRO TIP: Login to the portal on your phone and mark attendance on the go!

Mark an assignment
Undo assignment marking

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What to do if a student is a no-show to a Zoom meeting

It sometimes happens!

If a student is a no-show to a Zoom meeting, you should wait 15 minutes before cancelling the meeting.

You should then email them, “Sorry I missed you…” and invite them to re-book directly with you or via the booking link in their course.

You should cc on this email.

This email is evidence that you had a no-show for invoicing purposes, and you will be paid for the 15 minutes of your wasted time!